Beat Dandruff with Natural Rx


The cause of your dandruff could be from one or several factors. Experts have not discovered the cause of dandruff, but a likely suspect is yeast fungus. Use these three natural remedies to fight the flakes.

 Tea Tree Oil is a tough astringent which is also antibacterial and antifungal. It has been shown (published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology) to effectively treat dandruff when added to your shampoo in a 5% ratio. You can easily make your own mixture by adding 15 drops of tea tree oil to 1/2 ounce of mild shampoo. After massaging into your scalp be sure to let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a naturally occurring acetic acid used in home remedies to fight dandruff for decades. ACV alters that pH of the scalp which may halt the growth of the (suspected) yeast that causes flaking. Combine equal parts ACV and water then apply to your scalp. Let sit for up to 10 minutes (at least 5 if your scalp is sensitive), rinse, and shampoo/condition as usual with mild products. Avoid drenching your hair strands with the ACV to avoid drying out your locks.

Sulfur is an antifungal and exfoliating agent. Studies (published in Cutis) have shown that shampoos with 2% sulfur and 2% salicylic acid relieved dandruff symptoms. You can wash your hair twice a week with such a shampoo, leaving it on for five minutes before rinsing. Jason Dandruff Relief Treatment Shampoo is reasonably priced ($11) and does the trick.